Boema manufactures slanted strainers suitable to pulp extraction, fruit destoning or fruit declusting.

The machine works in the first part of the line to perform the first processing of the product in order to increase the efficiency of the following machines. The machine can be completely opened and it is provided with basket with variable perforations upon request and rotor controlled by inverter.



products / Puree & Concentrates / Strainer - Destoning machine - Declusting machine PR42

Strainer - Destoning machine - Declusting machine PR42

Boema manufactures slanted strainers suitable to pulp extraction, fruit destoning or fruit declusting.

The machine works in the first part of the line to perform the first processing of the product in order to increase the efficiency of the following machines. The machine can be completely opened and it is provided with basket with variable perforations upon request and rotor controlled by inverter.


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