The Turbo Mixer is having a big success in lines for the production of jam or aseptic preparations as secondary machine at disposal of the process. Thanks to its excellent mixing features, it is possible to reach excelent results for any type of solution.

The machine is thermally isolated with the installation of a water heating system, which allows to work at temperatures of about 80°C, excellent temperatures for the preparation of excellent mixes with natural pectins and not, solutions of sugar, salt, etc.

Boema designed also a Venturi system, to facilitate the admission of powders into the turbo mixer.The system is composed of a plenum hopper with powders suction system, in a product recycle piping connected to a pump performing in this way a immediate mixing.

This system facilitates the work of the operators and doses the admission of the powders to produce an homogeneous and precise solution for each type of application.


products / JAM&PREPS / Turbo mixer for powders dissolution

Turbo mixer for powders dissolution

Venturi system applied to the Turbo Mixer

The Turbo Mixer is having a big success in lines for the production of jam or aseptic preparations as secondary machine at disposal of the process. Thanks to its excellent mixing features, it is possible to reach excelent results for any type of solution.

The machine is thermally isolated with the installation of a water heating system, which allows to work at temperatures of about 80°C, excellent temperatures for the preparation of excellent mixes with natural pectins and not, solutions of sugar, salt, etc.

Boema designed also a Venturi system, to facilitate the admission of powders into the turbo mixer.The system is composed of a plenum hopper with powders suction system, in a product recycle piping connected to a pump performing in this way a immediate mixing.

This system facilitates the work of the operators and doses the admission of the powders to produce an homogeneous and precise solution for each type of application.


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